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COVID-TRACKER - Live Coronavirus Tracking Website

Overview: COVID-TRACKER is a highly performant website built using Next.js that provides real-time data on COVID-19 cases, deaths, recoveries, and other relevant statistics. This personal project leverages Next.js to create a fast and efficient user experience, ensuring users can access up-to-date information on the global pandemic. Additionally, COVID-TRACKER is designed as a Progressive Web App (PWA), allowing users to install the app directly from their browser for quick and convenient access.

Key Features:

  1. Real-Time Data Updates:

    • Fetches live data from third-party APIs to provide the latest information on COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recoveries.

    • Displays data in various formats, including charts, graphs, and tables for easy understanding.

  2. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Clean and intuitive design optimized for performance and usability.

    • Easy navigation and access to different sections of the website, such as global statistics, country-specific data, and prevention guidelines.

  3. Progressive Web App (PWA) Support:

    • Designed as a PWA, allowing users to install the app directly from their browser for offline access and faster loading times.

    • Provides an app-like experience on mobile devices without the need for downloading from app stores.

  4. Interactive Visualizations:

    • Utilizes interactive charts and graphs to visualize COVID-19 trends over time.

    • Allows users to filter and customize data views based on their preferences.

  5. Comprehensive Data Coverage:

    • Tracks a wide range of COVID-19 metrics, including total cases, deaths, recoveries, active cases, and testing rates.

    • Provides breakdowns by country, region, and demographics for detailed analysis.

Technologies Used:

Development Process:

Challenges and Solutions:

Outcome: COVID-TRACKER provides users with a valuable resource for tracking and understanding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The website's performance, reliability, and user-friendly interface make it a go-to destination for accessing up-to-date information on coronavirus cases and trends.

Future Enhancements:

Conclusion: COVID-TRACKER demonstrates the power of technology in providing timely and relevant information during global crises. By leveraging Next.js and third-party APIs, this personal project delivers a highly performant and user-friendly website for tracking COVID-19 data, contributing to public awareness and understanding of the pandemic's impact.